+49 6196 400 893

Agile Software Architecture (AGILA)

iSAQB CPSA Advanced Level

Designing and developing software architectures according to agile principles

Agile methodology is a central component for efficient and flexible software development in more and more companies. But how does agility fit in with a software architecture that traditionally aims at a long-term, solid framework for a software? In this training course you will learn how to turn this supposed conflict of interest into a win-win situation.

In this three-day training we will teach you in theory and practice the ability to design and develop software systems and architectures according to agile principles. On the one hand, this involves transferring agile principles and ideas to architecture work. On the other hand, it is about anchoring common architectural practices in an agile approach in a meaningful way

Training contents

Basics of agile software architecture

Agile architectural approach

Architecture requirements in agile projects

Designing and developing architectures in a team

Reflection and feedback on architectural work in an agile context

Examples of agile architectural work

Besides technical aspects, organizational and social factors are an integral part of the training.

The participants will be given the tools to:

Use agile tools for architectural work

Apply role models for architects in agile projects

Effectively manage the maintenance, estimation, and prioritization of requirements

Apply methods for making decisions in groups

Use techniques for joint reflection on architectural decisions

Credit Points for iSAQB CPSA Advanced Level





02. – 04. Sep 2024 | Online Training | English | Guaranteed ✔

1.990,00 € (plus VAT, if applicable less discounts)

This is what defines our online trainings:

► Small learning group of maximum 10 people
► High-definition video conferencing and digital tools for interactive and collaborative learning
► Also in the virtual classroom the “as on site feeling”: Audio, video and screen transmission
► Regular exercises in large groups and breakout rooms – always accompanied by the trainer
► Didactically trained and experienced trainer
► No travel and accommodation costs


13. – 15. Nov 2024 | Eschborn | German

1.990,00 € (plus VAT, if applicable less discounts)


► Small learning group of maximum 10 people
► Didactically trained and experienced trainer
► Drinks, snacks and lunch on all training days are included
► Including training documents and practice material


02. – 04. Dec 2024 | Online Training | English

1.990,00 € (plus VAT, if applicable less discounts)

This is what defines our online trainings:

► Small learning group of maximum 10 people
► High-definition video conferencing and digital tools for interactive and collaborative learning
► Also in the virtual classroom the “as on site feeling”: Audio, video and screen transmission
► Regular exercises in large groups and breakout rooms – always accompanied by the trainer
► Didactically trained and experienced trainer
► No travel and accommodation costs


You have a whole team that wants to attend the training?

Then find out here about our in-house training courses and contact us for a personal consultation.

– 100 € p. P.


until 6 weeks before the start of the training

– 100 € p. P.


for 2 or more participants from the same company

– 200 € p. P.


with 2 or more participants from the same company up to 6 weeks before start

Our iSAQB-accredited trainers for the training

Heike Molin

Heike Molin studied computer science and has already gained more than 20 years of professional experience as project manager, IT management consultant, executive, moderator and trainer. She has focused on soft skills training to strengthen social and personal skills, and agile training. There she passes on to training participants her know-how about an agile mindset, scrum, kanban, design thinking and agile leadership.

Sönke Schwenk

For over 15 years Sönke Schwenk has been supporting teams and software projects in industry and commerce in the design and implementation of software architectures and therefore knows: software architecture must fit like a good pair of shoes. His heart beats clearly for agility, clean code and software craftsmanship. His current focus: Renovation of software systems and practical, agile life of software architecture in teams.

You have questions and would like to learn more about the training? We would be happy to advise you personally:

+49 6169 400 893