The CPSA-F exam takes about 75 minutes and consists of about 40 multiple choice questions. To pass the exam, you must achieve at least 60% of the possible score. Below you can find sample exams and the exam rules download.
With your own PC from home!
On-site at the training provider (e.g. actIT Academy) on the last day of the training. In paper form or with a tablet PC.
Appointments can be requested and booked directly from the certification bodies.
Exams can be taken in PEARSON VUE and PROMETRIC test centers worldwide.
Call us on +49 (0) 6196 400 893 or send an email to
General information about the content, learning objectives and duration of the CPSA Foundation Level training can be found here.
+49 (0) 6196 400 893
actIT academy & consulting GmbH
Alfred – Herrhausen – Allee 3-5, 65760 Eschborn