+49 6196 400 893

Information about the iSAQB CPSA Foundation Level (CPSA-F) exam

Details of the iSAQB CPSA Foundation Level (CPSA-F) exam
Information about CPSA-F Training

Lifetime certification in the field of software architecture

You register for training – we take care of your exam

Exam directly after our classroom and online trainings

This is how the CPSA-F exam works

The CPSA-F exam takes about 75 minutes and consists of about 40 multiple choice questions. To pass the exam, you must achieve at least 60% of the possible score. Below you can find sample exams and the exam rules download.

Examination and certification

The Exam is not carried out and evaluated by actIT, but by recognized, independent certification bodies. The result is usually announced within one to two weeks. After successfully passing the test, you will receive the Certificate “Certified Professional for Software Architecture – Foundation Level (CPSA F®)”. This certificate represents internationally recognized proof of your expertise in the field of software architecture, but is not a formal Professional qualification. If you do not pass the exam, you have the opportunity to repeat it several times and as soon as possible.

With your own PC from home!

Immediately after the classroom training

On-site at the training provider (e.g. actIT Academy) on the last day of the training. In paper form or with a tablet PC.

Public Examination

Appointments can be requested and booked directly from the certification bodies.

testing in test centers

Exams can be taken in PEARSON VUE and PROMETRIC test centers worldwide.

How to prepare for the CPSA-F exam

The best preparation for the CPSA Foundation Level (CPSA-F) exam is to take part in the corresponding training. You can choose between an online training, which you can complete from the comfort of your own home, or one of our face-to-face training. In both formats, all exam-relevant topics are covered theoretically and practically, so that you are optimally prepared for the exam.

For participants with practical prior knowledge, the exam preparation can also be done using the book “Basic knowledge for software architects”. This book follows the iSAQB standards and is specifically geared towards the exam. It offers valuable information that will help you prepare specifically for the content of the exam. For this reason, all participants of the CPSA-F training at actIT automatically receive the e-book in addition to the training materials.

Do you still have questions? We’ll be happy to give you the answers!

Call us on +49 (0) 6196 400 893 or send an email to

General information about the content, learning objectives and duration of the CPSA Foundation Level training can be found here.



+49 (0) 6196 400 893



actIT academy & consulting GmbH
Alfred – Herrhausen – Allee 3-5, 65760 Eschborn