+49 6196 400 893

Infrastructure, Container & Cloud Native (CLOUDINFRA)

iSAQB CPSA Advanced Level

Infrastructure for the Cloud

Nothing has changed the way in which software is designed and developed in the IT world in recent years as much as microservices. Today’s applications must function in a cluster of multiple nodes, be dynamically placeable, scalable and fault-tolerant.

Microservices in turn form the basis of cloud native applications. The individual microservices are independent of each other and can run on several servers in different locations. Cloud native applications use these loosely coupled cloud services. Cloud native is an approach to ensure that applications are designed and developed for the cloud computing architecture. The special features of the cloud computing architecture should be used to the advantage of the applications and all possibilities should be fully exploited. This type of application is often referred to as NCA, which stands for Native Cloud Application.

NCAs have numerous advantages. They are not tied to specific hardware or operating systems, they are easily scalable, easy to deploy, and they are georedundant. “Redundancy” means having at least one additional resource as a backup in case of emergency. In combination with “Geo” it means that these resources are additionally spatially separated from each other. This is the only way to really ensure that even in the event of serious technical problems at one location, an intact backup is still available at another location.

Training contents

This software architecture training covers infrastructure, containers and cloud native and the question: “How to design and implement adaptable infrastructures for the cloud”.

Furthermore, the CLOUDINFRA training does not only deal with the reasons for the operation and the advantages and disadvantages of a cloud. The participants learn the basics of modern infrastructures, the most common architectural concepts, microservice architectures, containers and distributed applications.

Credit Points




iSAQB Training curriculum

04. – 06. Dec 2024 | Online Training | German | Guaranteed ✔

1.990,00 € (plus VAT, if applicable less discounts)

This is what defines our online trainings:

► Small learning group of maximum 10 people
► High-definition video conferencing and digital tools for interactive and collaborative learning
► Also in the virtual classroom the “as on site feeling”: Audio, video and screen transmission
► Regular exercises in large groups and breakout rooms – always accompanied by the trainer
► Didactically trained and experienced trainer
► No travel and accommodation costs


10. – 12. Dec 2024 | Online Training | German | Guaranteed ✔

1.990,00 € (plus VAT, if applicable less discounts)

This is what defines our online trainings:

► Small learning group of maximum 10 people
► High-definition video conferencing and digital tools for interactive and collaborative learning
► Also in the virtual classroom the “as on site feeling”: Audio, video and screen transmission
► Regular exercises in large groups and breakout rooms – always accompanied by the trainer
► Didactically trained and experienced trainer
► No travel and accommodation costs


You have a whole team that wants to attend the training?

Then find out here about our in-house training courses and contact us for a personal consultation.

– 100 € p. P.


until 6 weeks before the start of the training

– 100 € p. P.


for 2 or more participants from the same company

– 200 € p. P.


with 2 or more participants from the same company up to 6 weeks before start

Our iSAQB-accredited trainers for the training

Marc Haid

Marc Haid has been gaining experience in software development for over 30 years, currently with a focus on .NET, Xamarin, web & cloud technologies. Through his software engineering studies, the focus is on software architecture and meaningful test coverage. In addition, the contact to the “iron”, the release management and the design are not alien and belong to the tools of a future-oriented full stack developer according to his understanding.

You have questions and would like to learn more about the training? We would be happy to advise you personally:

+49 6169 400 893