+49 6196 400 893

Foundation Level (CPSA-F)

iSAQB Certified Professional for Software Architecture

Basic knowledge for software architects & Co.

In this training, you will learn the basic concepts of software architectures which allow you to do tasks and roles in software architects-based  projects. Accompanied by numerous practical exercises, you will acquire the ability to design software architectures for small and medium-sized systems and to document them professionally. At the end of the training, you will have the opportunity to take the exam for “Certified Professional for Software Architecture – Foundation Level (CPSA-F)” according to the iSAQB on site.

On request: UML refresh (takes place from 4 participants)

The Unified Modeling Language, in short: UML, is an indispensable tool for most software architects. That’s why we offer an optional refresher training the day before the CPSA Foundation training. To book this option, add the UML refresher course to your shopping cart together with your CPSA F training for booking. The UML refresher course can take place if the minimum number of four participants is reached.

Training contents

Basic concepts of software architectures

Development of software architectures at the CPSA-F level

State-of-the-Art methods and techniques

Description and communication of software architectures

Tools for Software Architects

Tasks, responsibilities and roles of software architects in projects

Credit Points

Software developers, architects, analysts, testers, project managers and all those who often come into contact with software architecture.

iSAQB Training curriculum

10.- 13 September 2024 | Online Training | Guaranteed ✔

2.420,00 € (plus VAT, if applicable less discounts)

What makes our online trainings so special:

► Small learning group of maximum 10 people
►High-definition video conferencing and digital tools for interactive and collaborative learning
► Also in the virtual classroom the “as on site feeling”: Audio, video and screen transmission
► Regular exercises in large groups and breakout rooms – always accompanied by the trainer
► Didactically trained and experienced trainer
► Including training documents and practice material

The examination fee of 250.00 € is included in the training price and is passed on in full to the iSAQB-licensed partner. The CPSA-F exam can then be taken remotely.


14.- 17 October 2024 | Online Training | Guaranteed ✔

2.420,00 € (plus VAT, if applicable less discounts)

What makes our online trainings so special:

► Small learning group of maximum 10 people
►High-definition video conferencing and digital tools for interactive and collaborative learning
► Also in the virtual classroom the “as on site feeling”: Audio, video and screen transmission
► Regular exercises in large groups and breakout rooms – always accompanied by the trainer
► Didactically trained and experienced trainer
► Including training documents and practice material

The examination fee of 250.00 € is included in the training price and is passed on in full to the iSAQB-licensed partner. The CPSA-F exam can then be taken remotely.


22 – 25 October 2024 | Online Training | English | Guaranteed ✔

2.420,00 € (plus VAT, if applicable less discounts)

What makes our online trainings so special:

► Small learning group of maximum 10 people
►High-definition video conferencing and digital tools for interactive and collaborative learning
► Also in the virtual classroom the “as on site feeling”: Audio, video and screen transmission
► Regular exercises in large groups and breakout rooms – always accompanied by the trainer
► Didactically trained and experienced trainer
► Including training documents and practice material

The examination fee of 250.00 € is included in the training price and is passed on in full to the iSAQB-licensed partner. The CPSA-F exam can then be taken remotely.


05.- 08 November 2024 | Nuremberg | Guaranteed ✔

2.420,00 € (plus VAT, if applicable less discounts)


► Small learning group of maximum 10 people
► Didactically trained and experienced trainer
► Drinks, snacks and lunch on all training days are included
► Including training documents and practice material


12 – 25 November 2024 | Online Training | French

2.420,00 € (plus VAT, if applicable less discounts)

What makes our online trainings so special:

► Small learning group of maximum 10 people
►High-definition video conferencing and digital tools for interactive and collaborative learning
► Also in the virtual classroom the “as on site feeling”: Audio, video and screen transmission
► Regular exercises in large groups and breakout rooms – always accompanied by the trainer
► Didactically trained and experienced trainer
► Including training documents and practice material

The examination fee of 250.00 € is included in the training price and is passed on in full to the iSAQB-licensed partner. The CPSA-F exam can then be taken remotely.


12 – 25 November 2024 | Online Training | Chinese

2.420,00 € (plus VAT, if applicable less discounts)

What makes our online trainings so special:

► Small learning group of maximum 10 people
►High-definition video conferencing and digital tools for interactive and collaborative learning
► Also in the virtual classroom the “as on site feeling”: Audio, video and screen transmission
► Regular exercises in large groups and breakout rooms – always accompanied by the trainer
► Didactically trained and experienced trainer
► Including training documents and practice material

The examination fee of 250.00 € is included in the training price and is passed on in full to the iSAQB-licensed partner. The CPSA-F exam can then be taken remotely.


03.- 06 December 2024 | Online Training

2.420,00 € (plus VAT, if applicable less discounts)

What makes our online trainings so special:

► Small learning group of maximum 10 people
►High-definition video conferencing and digital tools for interactive and collaborative learning
► Also in the virtual classroom the “as on site feeling”: Audio, video and screen transmission
► Regular exercises in large groups and breakout rooms – always accompanied by the trainer
► Didactically trained and experienced trainer
► Including training documents and practice material

The examination fee of 250.00 € is included in the training price and is passed on in full to the iSAQB-licensed partner. The CPSA-F exam can then be taken remotely.


UML-Refresh for the training

450,00 € (plus VAT)

Period: 1 day (before CPSA-F Training)

Place: same of CPSA-F Training

Note: Only bookable in combination with a CPSA-F training. The UML refresher course can take place if the minimum number of participants is reached.


You have a whole team that wants to attend the training?

Then find out here about our in-house training courses and contact us for a personal consultation.

– 100 € p. P.


until 6 weeks before the start of the training

– 100 € p. P.


for 2 or more participants from the same company

– 200 € p. P.


with 2 or more participants from the same company up to 6 weeks before start

Our iSAQB-accredited trainers for the training

Mahbouba Gharbi

Mahbouba Gharbi has been advising well-known major customers as a software architect, coach and trainer for over 20 years in the planning and implementation of demanding IT projects. She deals with the conception and realization of medium to large software systems. In addition to her work as the managing director and chief architect of the actIT Academy & Consulting, she is a co-founder and the chairman of the board of the iSAQB e.V. and actively participates in designing curricula and exams.

Sönke Schwenk

For over 15 years Sönke Schwenk has been supporting teams and software projects in industry and commerce in the design and implementation of software architectures and therefore knows: software architecture must fit like a good pair of shoes. His heart beats clearly for agility, clean code and software craftsmanship. His current focus: Renovation of software systems and practical, agile life of software architecture in teams.

You have questions and would like to learn more about the training? We would be happy to advise you personally:

+49 6169 400 893